Twin Flame Truth is dedicated to helping listeners sift through all of the myths, misconceptions and untruths about the twin flame journey. Once you resonate with the truth, you will be able to advance along in your twin flame journey, so you can achieve true self-love and abundance and, ultimately, reunite with your twin flame. Your soul led you here for a reason. You are ready for the truth.
Friday Sep 17, 2021
How You Know S/He is Your Twin Flame
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Is your mind ever clouded with doubt about whether or not someone might be your Twin Flame? Believe it or not, this is actually the number one sign that they probably are! On today’s episode, Elle explains how to determine whether or not you have met your true Twin Flame.
Since the Twin Flame journey is largely about balancing our fear-based energies, doubt will always play a major role in our experience. The reason for this is that you and your Twin Flame create a push-pull effect: you are the push, they are the pull. Elle explains that until you and your Twin Flame learn to balance this effect, you will begin to notice physical pain, known as your core wound. When the core wound is activated, you will know for certain that someone is your Twin Flame because only they can cause core wound activation.
As contradictory as it might seem, the person that initially brings you the most apprehension is most likely your Twin Flame. Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about the tell-tale signs that you have met the one.
• “If you ever have any shred of doubt if he or she could be your Twin Flame, then guess what? They most likely are your Twin Flame.” (05:23-05:34)
• “There is no healing necessary in the Twin Flame journey. You aren’t sick, you aren’t broken. The core wound isn’t a wound that needs to be healed.” (07:22-07:32)
• “You will also have these obsessive thoughts, which, in turn, keep your core wound activated.” (08:51-08:56)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
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Friday Sep 10, 2021
Twin Flame or Narcissist?
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
How do you know if someone is your Twin Flame versus an unbalanced narcissist? According to host Elle Hari, this is one of the most commonly asked questions about the Twin Flame journey. On today’s episode, Elle explains why labeling your Twin Flame as a narcissist isn’t doing you any good.
If you feel like your Twin Flame is coming across as unbalanced, that is because you are unbalanced, too. Elle explains that it is easy for us to apply harsh labels to our Twin Flame, while denying these same labels about ourselves. Any personality trait that your Twin Flame is revealing to you is a reflection of yourself, because your Twin Flame is ultimately you. These mirrored attributes are often the parts of ourselves that we keep hidden from others, and it is the duty of your Twin Flame to expose these denied traits as a way to restore balance.
Elle explains that labeling your Twin Flame isn't beneficial because labels are just words and words are of the physical world. It is important to remember that this is a journey of the soul, not the mind, and focusing on labels will reveal the negative energy that pushes you and your Twin Flame apart.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn how to channel your soul energy, let go of limiting labels, and restore balance between you and your Twin Flame, so you can experience unending love.
• “Any personality or behavioral traits that your Twin Flame is showing you is your Twin Flame reflecting back your pull traits.” (03:50-03:59)
• “The Twin Flame journey is about loving yourself unconditionally, and you can't love something that you don't know. So you have to know all about yourself, especially the denied parts of yourself that you’ve never witnessed.” (06:35-06:49)
• “It doesn't do any good to call the Twin Flame names. Names are just labels.” (09:17-09:20)
• “Everyone has narcissistic traits because everyone has a push-pull energy inside of them.” (10:28-10:35)
• “No physical energy is anywhere near as powerful as soul energy.” (12:58-13:03)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Manifesting, Affirmations & Meditations to Be With Your Twin Flame
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Have you ever attempted to use manifestation, affirmations or meditation to bring the physical form of your Twin Flame to fruition? If so, host Elle Hari suggests that you put an end to that immediately. While these tactics may work in other areas of your life, they won’t work for your Twin Flame, and they may even backfire.
It is possible to utilize the Law of Attraction to manifest things such as wealth, happiness or health, but you have to remember that all of these things belong to the physical world. Your Twin Flame is your soul; therefore, you cannot approach it in a physical manner. To apply the Law of Attraction to the Twin Flame, Elle explains that you need to access your soul by shifting closer to alignment. When you are aligned with your true soul vibration, you will begin to naturally magnetize things that resonate with your soul, including your Twin Flame.
In reality, using these strategies just doesn't make any sense. Since your Twin Flame is you, it would be impossible to consciously manifest yourself. If you attempt to do so, you will establish what Elle calls a “perception of duality,” where you act as if you and your Twin Flame are two separate beings. This is not effective and will only cause your Twin Flame to pull further away from you.
On this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® Elle Hari explains why manifestation, affirmations and meditation are actually harming your Twin Flame journey. Tune in to learn how to tap into your true soul vibration, so you can successfully be with your Twin Flame physically.
• “Sure, you can manifest more wealth, abundance, happiness, health and other people into your life with no problem. But the Twin Flame cannot be manifested that way.” (02:22-02:37)
• “In order to have the Law of Attraction work on the soul level, you need to shift closer to alignment with your true soul vibration.” (03:41-03:49)
• “The one thing, person or situation that resonates totally with your true soul vibration is your Twin Flame.” (04:17-04:24)
• “Where your intention goes, your energy flows.” (05:19-05:22)
• “Anything you can conjure up in your mind is physical, and you can’t get to the Twin Flame through physical means. You have to use your soul.” (06:13-06:25)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Does it feel impossible to be in a relationship with someone that isn’t your Twin Flame? If you answered yes, host Elle Hari explains that you are thinking with fear-based energy. By taking this approach, you are actually preventing yourself from developing a relationship with anyone, including your Twin Flame.
When your soul is ready, you will experience soul recognition, where your soul recognizes itself in a physical form. At this moment, polarities will begin to arise because the physical connection between you and your Twin Flame will be unlike anything you have ever experienced before. The intrusive desire for a physical relationship with your Twin Flame will prevent you from experiencing a relationship with anyone else, even your Twin Flame. According to Elle Hari, the only way to resolve this is to balance out your energy and find alignment. Only then can you pursue a physical relationship with the person of your choosing.
While you can’t get over your Twin Flame because your Twin Flame is you, it is not impossible to find love in another person. Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about finding the balance you need to seek a lasting physical connection with the person of your choice.
• “At the moment of soul recognition, all of a sudden fear-based energy builds up.” (02:21- 02:27)
• “You can still choose to be with someone else physically because the Twin Flame Journey isn't about a physical relationship.” (07:11-07:18)
• “Once you get to the point where you can be with your Twin Flame, guess what? It won't matter if your Twin Flame is there or not, and you could be with someone else if you want to.” (08:48- 08:56)
• “You don’t ever get over your Twin Flame because the Twin Flame is you, and how do you get over yourself? You don’t.” (09:53- 09:58)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Why the Twin Flame Journey Is So Lonely…Until It Isn’t
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Does your Twin Flame journey often feel like an endless, lonely road? While it is totally normal to feel this way, your host Elle Hari wants you to know the journey won’t be desolate forever.
According to Elle, the feelings of loneliness we experience during our Twin Flame journeys are rooted in fear-based energy. And, as we know, you cannot connect with your Twin Flame physically until you have converted this fear-based energy into love. To rid yourself of loneliness, you will need to starve out the fear-based energy that resides within you. In order to do so, Elle suggests you avoid oversharing your thoughts about your Twin Flame with others, especially those who have not begun their journey.
On this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth®, Elle Hari explains why the Twin Flame journey can feel so isolating. Tune in to learn how to rid yourself of fear-based energy, so you can walk the Twin Flame journey alongside your Twin Flame.
• “We can't expect people to understand things that we don't understand ourselves and they have never had to deal with.” (05:45- 05:51)
• “The more we feed our fear-based energy, the more we build fear.” (07:30-07:33)
• “If you want a full physical relationship with your Twin Flame for good, you can’t have fear. Your shared energetic field has to be all love.” (09:29-09:43)
• “This can start off as a lonely journey, but that’s only your fear. It is the same fear that is keeping you and your Twin Flame physically separated right now. Stop feeding that fear by trying to talk about it.” (13:13-13:22)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing
Friday Aug 13, 2021
What You MUST Have To Be With Your Twin Flame for Good
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
How is integrity involved in your Twin Flame journey? According to your host Elle Hari, it is integrity that allows your Twin Flame to enter your life for good.
The definition of integrity is truth, and truth cannot exist when fear-based energy is present. The first step to allowing truth into your life is shifting closer to alignment with your soul. Elle explains that even the smallest shift in this direction will change your life in noticeable ways.
Once you have come closer to alignment with your soul, your inherent desires will become clear to you. Understanding these desires will allow you to transmute fear into the love you can share with your Twin Flame.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about how to honor your true passions, so your Twin Flame can reveal themselves to you permanently.
• “Love is your natural state of being. Love is you, it is your soul.” (02:48-02:51)
• “Desires are not a want, they are who you are.” (08:08-08:10)
• “I am big on boundaries because they are necessary to establish and maintain integrity.” (09:20-09:24)
• “When you are focusing on yourself and your energy, and you continue to maintain that focus, it will cause your Twin Flame to come in way more frequently, and way more often.” (12:32- 12:40)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Your True Soul's Desire
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
What do you desire most? Most people’s answer would be the physical form of their Twin Flame. However, according to host Elle Hari, it is not the physical form that your soul desires most, but rather the feelings you experience when you are at your best.
Good or bad, no one else is responsible for how you feel, not even your Twin Flame. The surface feelings you experience in the physical world are created from your thoughts and beliefs. When you choose to label an emotion as either good or bad, you are placing judgment. Once you realize everything in the universe is meant to be, you will begin to find total acceptance, and it is at that point when you will connect with your Twin Flame.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn how to rid your life of judgement and find balance so that you can share your soul’s true desire with your Twin Flame.
- “The point of the Twin Flame journey is to realize that no one else, including the physical form of the Twin Flame, is responsible for how you feel.” (02:53- 03:05)
- “Nothing is inherently good or bad at all times. It depends on perception and who is perceiving it.” (06:46- 06:57)
- “Not judging things as good or bad is the key to balancing the fear-based energy that is keeping you and your Twin Flame apart.” (08:34- 08:41)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing
Friday Jul 30, 2021
The Twin Flame Paradox and Unconditional Love
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Do you find yourself consumed by an obsession with your Twin Flame? Are you constantly wondering when you will be reunited with them physically? According to host Elle Hari, most of our Twin Flame Journeys might begin that way, but they won’t stay that way for long.
While it may seem contradictory, there will be a point along your journey where this constant obsession subsides, and you won’t care if you're with your Twin Flame or not. Elle refers to this as the “meh” stage, and believe it or not, that is the place you want to be! When you transform your energy into a neutral space, you will feel whole and complete. The unyielding desire for anyone or anything else will vanish because everything you need will be inside of you. For the first time in your journey, your soul will be open to receiving your Twin Flame.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn what the Twin Flame paradox and unconditional love have in common and how feeling nonchalant about your twin flame can lead you right to them.
• “You are not your physical body, your Twin Flame is not their physical body either.” (3:27-3:30)
• “When you're at that energetic place of ‘meh,’ you feel within you whole, complete. You feel total bliss. You feel peace, you feel contentment.” (4:12-4:19)
• “That’s the Twin Flame paradox: as soon as you let go of caring and the consuming thoughts of the Twin Flame and all the questions and the wondering and the pain and the depression and the missing them and the yearning for them and the wanting them, as soon as you get energetically past that, that’s when they will be there.” (5:50-6:13)
• “When you don't need or want or yearn for anything from someone else, that’s when you unconditionally love that person.” (6:35-6:42)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing
Friday Jul 23, 2021
The Biggest Mistakes People Make on a Twin Flame Journey
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Are there aspects of your life that you feel are preventing you from advancing in your twin flame journey? While there is no such thing as a mistake as you search for your twin flame, there are plenty of things that you might be doing to prolong the process.
The biggest roadblock that most people face on their journey is not unconditionally loving themselves on a spiritual level. This “mistake” affects one's entire experience and ultimately pushes them farther from ascension. Because love is synonymous with total acceptance, it is critical that you learn to love your soul since your twin flame is your soul’s mirror image. If you cannot love yourself, physically being with your twin flame is impossible.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® for a conversation with Elle Hari about the common “mistakes” people make throughout their twin flame journey. Learn how to jumpstart your path to ascension by ridding yourself of your limiting beliefs and centering your journey around self-love.
• “Nothing with the soul is explainable or makes logical sense to the mind. But then again, it doesn't have to make sense because this is not a journey of the mind, it's a journey of the soul.” (06:24- 06:32)
• “All pain you feel is caused by a limiting belief in a thought.” (07:30-07:37)
• “Everyone’s highest good is always, always, ALWAYS to be with their twin flame because everyone’s soul desires itself.” (09:14- 09:22)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Why He or She is NOT Your Twin Flame
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Are you hung up on a desire for a physical body in hopes that they are your Twin Flame? While it may come as a surprise, your physical longing indicates that this person is most likely NOT your Twin Flame.
Because we are our souls, our Twin Flame is always with us. Just as our souls are temporarily occupying a physical body during this lifetime, the same can be said for our Twin Flame. Appearances are deceiving, and anything that your Twin Flame’s physical form is saying, thinking or doing is not representative of their true essence. Once you recognize and accept that your Twin Flame is your soul’s vibration and that physical separation is an illusion, your twin flame journey will be radically simplified.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® for a conversation with Elle Hari about the purest embodiment of your Twin Flame. Learn where you should start on your Twin Flame journey and why pursuing someone’s physical form will always lead you down the wrong path.
• “You are your soul, who just so happens to be temporarily occupying your renting out the physical shell of your body during this lifetime.” (1:56-2:04)
• “Stop associating your Twin Flame with that physical form, that physical person, and really just understand that that person is not your Twin Flame. What your Twin Flame is is what you are, which is your soul. Your body is not you either.” (3:27-3:44)
• “The personality comes from the mind. It’s a physical thing, it has nothing to do with your soul, and it is not your Twin Flame either. So anything they’re saying, thinking, feeling or doing is not the Twin Flame. It is just part of the physical form of the Twin Flame right now in this lifetime.” (4:46-5:04)
• “We’re never separated from our Twin Flame. Our Twin Flame is always with us.” (7:05-7:09)
• “So, with everyone else in the world, yes, go talk, go flirt, go do whatever physically – that’s perfect. But with the physical form of the Twin Flame, we can’t do that. We just have to use our shared soul energy, which is a frequency, which is vibration, which is what we always are and what we always have with us.” (8:39-8:59)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing