Twin Flame Truth is dedicated to helping listeners sift through all of the myths, misconceptions and untruths about the twin flame journey. Once you resonate with the truth, you will be able to advance along in your twin flame journey, so you can achieve true self-love and abundance and, ultimately, reunite with your twin flame. Your soul led you here for a reason. You are ready for the truth.
Friday Dec 03, 2021
The Twin Flame Journey Is Not About Romance or Sensationalism
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Do you ever find yourself wishing your relationship with your Twin Flame would be as strong as the love in your favorite romance movie? According to host Elle Hari, this is the biggest misconception everyone has about the Twin Flame journey. In today’s episode, Elle discusses why the Twin Flame journey has nothing to do with romance.
According to Elle, the sensationalization of romance in our society actually exists to trigger our fear-based energy. While it is possible to have a romantic connection with your Twin Flame, it will not look how it does in the media. Rather than desiring the mushy-gushy, romance-novel type of love, Elle explains that you need to focus on ridding yourself of your fear-based, push-pull energy. Once you can relieve yourself of fear-based energy, you will be able to create a space of love for your Twin Flame because love and fear cannot coexist.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn how to let go of unrealistic expectations and desires, so you can take the next step towards being with your Twin Flame.
• “Romance is actually a fear-based thing. It has nothing to really do with love.” (03:07-03:10)
• “You can only physically be with your Twin Flame when there's actual love, and actual love means zero fear.” (04:06-04:13)
• “There is only one Twin Flame because the Twin Flame is you.” (05:36-05:39)
• “Everyone has/is a Twin Flame. You're not special for having a Twin Flame or being a Twin Flame.” (07:12-07:18)
• “The first step for anything has to begin with yourself. So that's why the Twin Flame journey is the first step of ascension. The Twin Flame journey is about you because the Twin Flame is you.” (08:51-09:02)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
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Friday Nov 26, 2021
You Don’t Want the Same Relationship You Once Had With Your Twin Flame
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Do you ever yearn for the relationship you once had with your Twin Flame? According to host Elle Hari, it's not you that wants that relationship, it's your fear-based energy. In today’s episode, Elle explains why you have to redefine your relationship with your Twin Flame in order to have a physical relationship with them.
According to Elle, it isn’t the relationship or even your Twin Flame that you really desire; it is the feelings you have associated with the Twin Flame. While it may seem like those feelings brought you happiness, Elle explains that those feelings come from your cyclical fear-based energy. The only way you can ever be with your Twin Flame is to shift into alignment with your soul because when you are aligned with yourself, you are aligned with your Twin Flame.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn how to let go of your past desires and align with your soul, so you can create a space of love that is able to unite you with your Twin Flame once and for all.
• “It's not a relationship with your Twin Flame or even your Twin Flame that you want. If you think about it, what you want are the feelings that you felt when you were with your Twin Flame.” (01:58-02:15)
• “You really cannot love anyone, including your Twin Flame, until you love yourself. Because loving yourself is loving your Twin Flame because your Twin Flame is you.” (07:46-07:54)
• “By shifting closer into love energy, you become love, and you become yourself.” (09:10-09:17)
• “You pull your Twin Flame closer into alignment with your soul as you shift closer into alignment with your soul. You are then in the space of love with each other, and the physical relationship can happen.” (11:51-12:04)
• “As long as you keep trying to get back that same relationship you had with your Twin Flame, you're just going to keep going from the highs to the lows, the fake good to the fake bad, the cycle will continue, it will not stop.” (18:08-18:23)
• “You can't possibly be the best you until you are being the true you.” (21:23-21:26)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Nov 19, 2021
How to Stop Negative Feelings
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Throughout the Twin Flame journey, there will be times where you feel down and out. In today’s episode, host Elle Hari discusses how to stop feeling negative, so you can reunite with your Twin Flame.
According to Elle, whenever we judge things as good or bad, we are allowing our fear-based energy to be in control. Rather than succumbing to negative energy, Elle suggests figuring out what thought is causing you to feel bad and then changing your perspective. Once you understand that everything is meant to be, it will be easier to accept your circumstances and come to a neutral space. When we live without judgement, we can find peace and happiness.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth to learn how to stop negative feelings and trust in your soul, so you can stay on the path that will lead you towards everything you desire.
• “If you think a thought is bad, you're going to feel bad.”(03:49-03:51)
• “Regarding anything related to our Twin Flame journey, we don’t want to judge our feelings as good or bad.” (05:49-05:57)
• “Who are any of us to judge anything that we perceive as good or bad? That's not our job or our role. That's just our fear-based energy wanting to do that.” (07:27-07:07:39)
• “If you can figure out and determine what the main thought is that’s causing you to believe something is either good or bad, then you can turn that belief around.” (11:56-12:06)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Your Twin Flame Isn’t Intentionally “Doing” Anything
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Do you place blame on your Twin Flame for causing you hardships? Or give them praise for bringing you happiness when they are in your life? Even though this is a common response, host Elle Hari explains that believing the Twin Flame can dictate your emotions is giving them too much credit and ultimately damaging to the relationship.
As you are navigating the relationship between you and your Twin Flame, it can often feel like they are in control of how you feel. As much as their presence can make you feel euphoric, their absence can just as easily feel detrimental. Despite the highs and lows, Elle explains that it isn’t the Twin Flame that is controlling your emotions; it's the push-pull energy. And for this reason, you shouldn’t put pressure on your Twin Flame in any circumstance. The only way you can ever achieve a physical relationship with your Twin Flame is by learning how to balance the push-pull energy.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn how to neutralize the energetic field between you and your Twin Flame so you can experience a journey rooted in love instead of fear.
• “It is the push-pull energy that is doing everything, not your Twin Flame.” (03:28-03:35)
• “When you balance out your push energy, you're automatically balancing out your Twin Flame’s pull energy because you are the same energetic field.” (04:33-04:37)
• “Your soul can bring you together physically as long as your energetic field is clear.” (05:12-05:19)
• “There is no need to give your Twin Flame so much credit in either direction. They're not making you feel like crap, and they are not making you feel good. They do not have that power over you. No one does, only you have that.” (09:39-09:49)
• “Focus on your energy. Your energy is their energy. If you balance your energy, then you can balance out both of you and you can come together in your cleared energetic fields.” (10:03-10:11)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Nov 05, 2021
You Can Never Go Backwards On This Journey
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Do you ever feel like you are regressing on your Twin Flame Journey? According to host Elle Hari, even though you may sometimes feel like you’re taking one step forward and two steps back, it is actually impossible to go backward on your journey.
Since our minds are controlled by our fear-based, push-pull energy, it is natural to view things as linear, including our Twin Flame journey. But according to Elle, nothing is linear because you are always expanding and growing. While we are learning to balance our fear-based energies, it is common to experience extreme highs and lows. Elle explains that the lows are often interpreted as stepping backward, but in reality, that is just you working through your fear-based energy. Once you can simultaneously align your soul and balance your fear-based push energy, you won’t feel the highs and the lows. You will just feel neutral and your Twin Flame journey will feel back on track.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about navigating through the cyclical effects of fear-based energy, so you can embrace every moment along your journey.
• “By forward, I mean you're constantly, always expanding and growing and progressing.” (03:01-03:10)
• “You can only go forward, you can only grow, you can never go back.” (04:56-05:00)
• “Our minds, which are controlled by our fear-based, push-pull energy, have to think linearly. They think forward is only this way and backward is only that way because there are only two ways you can go one straight line, right? But that's not the way it is.” (05:48-06:10)
• “If you're aligning with your soul and balancing out your fear-based energy, then the highs and the lows of your fear-based energy become more balanced.” (10:45-10:59)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Take Your Power Back And Feel Better Instantly!
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Do you constantly yearn to rid yourself of negative thoughts and emotions regarding your Twin Flame? Then it’s time to let go of your fear-based energy once and for all. In today’s episode your host, Elle Hari, discusses how to control your emotions and take back your power.
In order to start taking control of your emotions, it is important to understand one basic human truth: only you are responsible for how you feel. Good or bad, Elle explains that nothing outside of yourself can cause you to feel any specific way because our emotions are derived from our thoughts. If you are feeling bad because you are not in a physical relationship with your Twin Flame, it is because you decided that it was bad. You must remember that nothing in the universe is good or bad; it just is. Even though it may be hard to comprehend why you can’t be with your Twin Flame at this very moment, Elle explains that it is because you still need the space to do energetic work. Next time you find yourself down and out about your Twin Flame, take a step back to change your thoughts, and it will change how you feel.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn how to diminish your fear-based energy, feel better instantly, and take back the power of your Twin Flame journey.
• “No one and nothing outside of you can cause you to feel good or bad. You and you alone cause your own feelings, that's it. You are responsible for your feelings, no one and nothing else.” (01:54-02:13)
• “If you are attributing your feelings to anyone or anything outside of you, then that's playing the victim, and that is giving your power away.” (07:13-07:21)
• “Even if your fear-based addictive energy wants that drug of choice – the physical form of the Twin Flame – and it feels bad that it's not there, you need to understand that it’s not true and it's not a bad thing.” (09:39-09:58)
• “It's perfect that the Twin Flame isn't here right now because you need this space. Your soul and universe is working out this space to move you along your journey.” (10:07-10:19)
• “As soon as you can change your beliefs and thoughts, then you know that you have the power to control exactly how you feel, and no one else does. Then in that instance, you are empowered and you are free.” (12:58-13:11)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Oct 22, 2021
What A Relationship With The Twin Flame Is Like When Balanced
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be with your Twin Flame once you are finally united? While this is one of the most commonly asked questions Elle receives, she explains that it is rooted in your fear-based energy. On today’s episode, Elle decides to answer this question not to encourage your fear-based energy, but rather to help provide the clarity you need to be with your Twin Flame.
According to Elle, the ONLY way to be with your Twin Flame is to come to a state of balance. In the first season, Elle referred to this as the “meh” stage. In order to cease the push-pull energy between you and your Twin Flame, Elle explains that it is necessary to come to an energetic space of “meh.” Once you have learned to neutralize your energies, you will quiet your fear-based energies and open your soul to experiencing true love. Above all else, Elle wants listeners to know that once you are balanced, the Twin Flame relationship will not feel how it once was. You will replace the feelings of highs and lows with peace and completeness. It is only here that you can be with your Twin Flame, if you so choose.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn how to balance your fear-based energies, and free yourself of obsessive thoughts so you can live a life of infinite opportunities, whether that includes a physical relationship with your Twin Flame or not!
• “The high feelings, especially regarding your Twin Flame, is what we as humans have been misled to believe and associate with love.” (06:45-06:57)
• “Love cannot exist where there's fear and vice versa. Fear does not exist where there’s love. They are mutually exclusive. They cannot be in the same space at the same time.” (07:26-07:33)
• “If you're still on this journey looking to get back to where you were with your Twin Flame at one time, that amazing high feeling that you had before that awful low, it's not gonna happen because there cannot be highs and lows.” (14:23-14:39)
• “Meh is true love. And love is unconditional and non judgmental, it's acceptance.” (21:21-21:29)
• “Once you balance, you have infinite options in every moment because you're no longer bound by your obsessive thoughts in your mind, you're free of all of that.” (25:08-25:15)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Psychics and “Readings” Are Hurting Your Chance To Be With Your Twin Flame
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Have you ever attempted to reach your Twin Flame through a psychic reading? If so, host Elle Hari suggests you stop wasting your time. While this tactic may work in most other areas of your life, it won’t reveal your Twin Flame.
The purpose of psychic readings is to dig for information that pertains to the physical world. And because the Twin Flame journey is a journey of the soul, Elle says these types of methods won’t ever work and they may even be harmful. When we attach ourselves to physical things, we trigger our push energies. Once the push energy is activated, Elle explains that our Twin Flames will pull away. The only way to truly reach our Twin Flame is to focus on pulling our push-driven energies inward.
On the Season 2 premiere of Twin Flame Truth®, Elle Hari breaks down why psychic readings won’t work for your Twin Flame journey. Tune in to learn how to tap into your own soul, so you can pull your Twin Flame towards you.
• “Readings and psychics work and help in every aspect of your life except for the Twin Flame.” (02:56-03:03)
• “If you're pushing out by focusing on what the Twin Flame is thinking, saying, doing or feeling, that’s just going to make your Twin Flame pull away even more.” (05:16-05:24)
• “Keep your energy pulled in and your Twin Flame won’t pull away from you, and then your Twin Flame can be pulled towards you.” (08:48-08:55)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Do you ever notice symbols of your Twin Flame everywhere you go? According to Host Elle Hari, these are synchronicities, and they are nothing to be feared!
Elle explains synchronicities as signs that you and your Twin Flame are on the same wavelength, and they tend to pop up as you progress along your journey. Because your soul is energy and is also your Twin Flame, it is normal for names or objects that resonate with your Twin Flame to become common themes in your life. While most people tend to overthink it, Elle reminds listeners to remain calm and take it as a sign that you’re headed down the right path.
Ultimately, synchronicities have nothing to do with the physical form of the Twin Flame, and they are just a way for your soul to say hello. Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn what synchronicities are and how they connect you to your Twin Flame.
• “A synchronicity is a sign showing you that you are in sync with something, you’re on the same wavelength with something or someone else.” (01:07-01:16)
• “Your entire physical world is one big synchronicity because your physical world is a direct reflection of what’s going on in your inner world.” (02:00-02:08)
• “Synchronicities tend to occur very shortly before or definitely while you are on the Twin Flame journey.” (04:02- 04:08)
• “The vibration of your Twin Flame is not the physical body, it is your soul.” (07:42-07:46)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Friday Sep 24, 2021
How Physical Well-Being Impacts The Twin Flame Journey
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
If the Twin Flame journey is a journey of the soul, then what does physical well-being have to do with the process? According to Host Elle Hari, neglecting your physical health will actually inhibit spiritual progress.
The cornerstone of any spiritual awakening is the ability to be present. During the Twin Flame journey, it is necessary to balance fear-based energies by training yourself to be present, even when times are hard. Elle explains that granting yourself permission to not exist in the past or the future, but rather in the now, will diminish your fear and bring you closer to your truth.
Ultimately your soul chose to inhibit your body, so caring for your physical being is caring for your soul. Tune into this week's episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn how to increase your sense of self-love so you can enjoy a smooth journey to ascension.
• “The whole point of awakening to spirituality is having more of a consciousness and awareness of whether or not you’re present.”(10:39-10:48)
• “Fear can’t exist in the present.”
• “We want to always feel our best physically in order to move along our spiritual paths as smoothly as possible.” (13:50-14:07)
• “In order to advance along our spiritual paths, we must be present.” (14:09-14:12)
• “If you love yourself as a soul, that translates into taking care of yourself as a physical body.” (19:50-19:58)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
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