Twin Flame Truth is dedicated to helping listeners sift through all of the myths, misconceptions and untruths about the twin flame journey. Once you resonate with the truth, you will be able to advance along in your twin flame journey, so you can achieve true self-love and abundance and, ultimately, reunite with your twin flame. Your soul led you here for a reason. You are ready for the truth.
Friday Mar 25, 2022
The Role YOU Play
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
While the Twin Flame is a major component of your journey to ascension, it is important to know that you also play a significant role in how things play out. Last week, host Elle Hari discussed the role of the Twin Flame and in today’s episode, she discusses how you impact the Twin Flame journey.
According to Elle, if you're listening to this podcast, chances are you are the push-energy in your Twin Flame relationship. While it can often feel like you are the only one putting in any effort, Elle explains that your role is essential to joining the two of you together. By shifting closer into alignment with your soul, you not only balance your energy but your Twin Flame’s energy as well and when there is balance, you will naturally show your Twin Flame how to love you unconditionally.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about the part the push-energy plays in the Twin Flame journey and how you can find appreciation in doing the work that brings you and your Twin Flame together.
• “Your role is to lead your Twin Flame into alignment with your soul by teaching and showing them how to unconditionally love you.” (02:26-02:42)
• “As you shift closer into alignment with your soul, you are energetically pulling your Twin Flame closer into alignment with your soul as well.” (03:55-04:05)
• “As you pull your Twin Flame closer into alignment with your soul they will also start experiencing and magnetizing things in their physical lives that are more conducive and resonant with what their true passions and purpose are.” (06:25-06:45)
• “The Twin Flame with the push-energy usually does end up doing all of the work. But it's awesome work. And it is totally miraculous and priceless.” (10:31-10:41)
Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here: https://be-with-your-twin-flame.passion.io
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Mar 18, 2022
The Role the Twin Flame Plays
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
For many people, there comes a point along their journey where they feel frustrated. While it can sometimes feel like the Twin Flame isn’t putting in much effort, their job is more important than you might think. In today’s episode, host Elle Hari breaks down the role of the Twin Flame.
Because the Twin Flame journey is all about unconditional love, the main role of the Twin Flame is to show you how to love yourself by revealing the truest parts of your soul. According to Elle, every time the Twin Flame comes in and out of your life, it is to show you something important. So instead of blaming the Twin Flame for coming and going, it is important to look within yourself and find ways to bring balance to your life. It is only after you have stabilized your fear-based energy that you can physically be with your Twin Flame.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about the importance of internal reflection and self-acceptance so you can restore balance and be on the path to ascension.
• “Your Twin Flame’s job, in a nutshell, is to keep you honest.” (02:09-02:13)
• “Anytime your Twin Flame physically comes in your life, it's to show you the denied part of yourself.” (05:38-05:44)
• “Every time your Twin Flame pulls, it's revealing a part of you that needs more balancing.” (07:35-07:40)
• “You do not need the physical form of your Twin Flame to balance more.” (10:14-10:17)
• “It's all about being honest with yourself. Instead of blaming your Twin Flame for everything, look within. That's where you’ll find the answers.” (11:45-11:54)
Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here: https://be-with-your-twin-flame.passion.io
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Unconditional Love Simplified and Explained
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
As humans, we focus a lot of our time and energy searching for someone that will love us the way we want to be loved. While there is such a thing as unconditional love, it isn’t what you probably think it is. In today’s episode, host Elle Hari simply explains the concept of unconditional love and how to receive it from your Twin Flame.
According to Elle Hari, unconditional love can only happen once you release yourself and your Twin Flame from any and all conditions. When you place any expectations on what love should look like, you are living in your fear-based energy. In reality, unconditional love is the freedom to be yourself, and the only way to experience love with your Twin Flame is to shift closer into alignment with your soul.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about the importance of balancing your fear-based energy and letting go of all conditions so you can align with your soul and find unconditional love with your Twin Flame.
• “You cannot be with your Twin Flame unless you are in a state of unconditional love.” (01:57-02:02)
• “You can't have a love that's not unconditional because, by definition, love has no conditions.” (02:23-02:29)
• “Fears will cause people to put conditions on love and fear and love cannot coexist.” (03:57-04:01)
• “The only way to have love is to shift and align closer to your true soul vibration which incidentally is your Twin Flame.” (04:41-04:54)
• “Unconditional love is the freedom to feel just with yourself and not have or need anyone else there.” (10:39-10:50)
Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here: https://be-with-your-twin-flame.passion.io
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Treat Yourself the Way You Want to Be Treated (by Your Twin Flame)
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
What people desire most from their Twin Flames is their undevoted energy and attention. Because of this desire, people often spend too much time focusing on what the Twin Flame is doing rather than investing in themselves. In today’s episode, host Elle Hari discusses why you need to treat yourself the way you want to be treated by your Twin Flame.
According to host Elle Hari, the Twin Flame journey is about self-love, not the Twin Flame. While it is normal to want affection from your Twin Flame, you can never achieve any physical relationship with them unless you put yourself first. When you focus on yourself, you show up as the best version of yourself for everyone, including the Twin Flame. Once your energy is flowing inward, you will naturally draw your Twin Flame towards you.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about the importance of investing in yourself so you can be a better version of yourself and also attain a physical relationship with your Twin Flame.
• “When I say you are exactly the same as your Twin Flame, I'm talking about who you really are. It is not your body, your personality, or your mind. It's the underlying energy. You and your Twin Flame are the exact same energy.” (02:33-02:48)
• “What you really want is for your Twin Flame to invest their attention and energy into you. And to do that, you must first invest your attention and energy onto yourself.” (03:00-03:25)
• “You have to separate the fact that you're the same energy from the fact that you're two separate bodies.” (04:10-04:14)
• “If you put your attention onto yourself, that means your energy is going to flow onto yourself. This means you're bringing your Twin Flame onto yourself and therefore their attention is going to come on to you.” (04:31-04:44)
• “When your attention and energy goes to loving yourself, then your Twin Flame has no choice but to come and love you, too.” (07:54-08:02)
Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here: https://be-with-your-twin-flame.passion.io
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Physical “Obstacles” to Being With Your Twin Flame (Including Death)
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Throughout your Twin Flame journey, you will inevitably run into obstacles that prevent you from attaining a physical relationship with your Twin Flame, including death. Even though these hurdles may seem impossible to overcome, they are beneficial to your Twin Flame experience. In today’s episode, host Elle Hari discusses how to handle physical challenges that arise along your journey.
According to Elle, obstacles can come in a variety of ways. Whether it be location, age, gender, sexual orientation, or even death, almost everyone experiences some form of physical limitations during their journey. Rather than succumbing to elements of the physical world, Elle wants listeners to remember the true meaning behind the Twin Flame experience: love yourself unconditionally. When we drive out our fear-based energies, we allow our soul to be in control. Not only can your soul align and balance your energy, but it will also transcend any obstacle you may encounter.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about common obstacles between Twin Flames, the strength of your soul, and how to rely on yourself to overcome any problem you endure in your physical existence.
• “I think almost all Twin Flame relationship stories have some form of a physical obstacle.” (01:44-01:50)
• “An obstacle is anything in the physical world that you can see, feel, touch, and hear that would preclude you from even considering being with this person.” (03:51-04:02)
• “Obstacles happen because it is showing you that your soul is strong. It's no match for anything in the physical world and your soul will overcome, surpass, and transcend anything that can possibly be considered an obstacle.” (04:34-04:50)
• “I don't care how astronomical, crazy, or impossible any kind of physical situation seems to be, your soul will make it work.” (06:39-06:51)
• “Don't be discouraged by any kind of physical obstacle. There are no obstacles because your soul is a miracle. Your soul is perfect. It can do anything and it can surpass anything that's physical.” (10:42-10:54)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here: https://be-with-your-twin-flame.passion.io
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Why Being Blocked by Your Twin Flame Is a Great Thing
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
When host Elle Hari was rejected by her Twin Flame, it was one of the most painful things she had experienced. While not being accepted by your Twin Flame may feel like the worst thing in the world, Elle explains that it is actually for your benefit. In today’s episode, Elle discusses why being rejected by your Twin Flame is one of the greatest things.
According to Elle, when you are blocked by your Twin Flame, it is the universe’s way of providing you the necessary space to focus on what matters most: aligning and balancing your fear-based energy. Since you cannot physically be with your Twin Flame until you are balanced and aligned, it is important to focus on yourself for a while. Not only will you rid yourself of all the pain and obsessive thoughts, but you will also create the energetic space where you and your Twin Flame can be together in the most ideal way.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about the importance of soul work, the two types of situations regarding the Twin Flame, and how to temporarily let go so you can destroy your fear-based energy, find alignment, and finally be with your Twin Flame in a state of pure love.
• “When your two push-pull energies build up so much that they start to repel each other, what happens is your Twin Flame will completely and totally disappear and block you.” (02:46-03:01)
• “Every time your Twin Flame comes and goes, the going will be just as painful as it was the last time.” (03:32-03:38)
• “When you're blocked, cut off, and you have no contact with your Twin Flame, that’s the most preferable place for you to be.” (04:07-04:16)
• “The only physical beings in physical form who are able to be in a space of pure love with each other are Twin Flames, but only after they have gone through the necessary energetic work.” (05:29-05:42)
• “You need to have space away from all the fear-based energy in order to align and balance you and your Twin Flame’s energy, and then your soul can bring you together.” (06:20-06:35)
• “When you balance out the fear-based push-pull polarities of your Twin Flame, your energetic space will be clear enough for your soul to bring you together physically in a space of pure unconditional love.” (11:04-11:15)
Take the free Twin Flame Quiz and check out the brand new Be With Your Twin Flame app here: https://be-with-your-twin-flame.passion.io
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Dec 31, 2021
8 Sneaky Ways Your Push Energy Is Keeping Your Twin Flame Away
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
As we all know, push-energy is the number one enemy to the Twin Flame journey. While it can sometimes be obvious, host Elle Hari explains that fear has sneaky ways of disrupting our peace. In today’s episode, Elle discusses eight ways your push-energy might be keeping you from your Twin Flame.
Just like any energy, the natural inclination of our push-energy is to continue to grow and expand. If we allow this energy to gain too much control, it will continue to push the Twin Flame further and further away. This is why it’s crucial that we actively work to drive any fear-based energy out of our lives. To do so, we must remember that nothing in the physical world connects us to our Twin Flames. Whether it be thoughts, feelings, emotions, obsessions or desires for a relationship, we cannot concede to aspects of the physical world. Instead, it is important to let go and allow our souls to guide us in the right direction.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about stopping your obsessions and letting go of physical desires, so you can starve out the fear-based energy that is keeping you from your Twin Flame.
• “Your push-energy is fear-based, it's addictive. And like any energy, its inclination is to grow and to expand, but we don't want this energy to do that. We want to actually starve it out so that it shrinks.” (01:52-02:08)
• “When you have dreams of your Twin Flame, that is your fear-based push-energy sneaking in a feed while you are not awake and consciously aware of it.” (06:29-06:40)
• “What connects you with your Twin Flame are not physical things. So, feelings, emotions, thoughts are all physical, they are all created in the mind.” (08:20-08:33)
• “Any obsession is fear-based energy.” (13:57-14:00)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Marriage, Monogamy & Boundaries
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
When it comes to having a physical relationship with your Twin Flame, you may picture it being a monogamous relationship. While having this kind of relationship with your Twin Flame is possible, host Elle Hari explains that it will look different than what society defines monogamy to be. In today’s episode, Elle clarifies how the concepts of monogamy, boundaries and marriage apply to the Twin Flame journey.
Humans are not naturally monogamous creatures; rather, the concept was developed by the human mind to control and oppress people. Since this is a man-made idea, it is derived from physical, fear-based energy. So, if you desire a monogamous relationship with your Twin Flame, Elle explains that you are not coming from a place of love but rather one of fear and scarcity. Forcing conditions like marriage or monogamy onto your Twin Flame will only trigger your fear-based energy and push them away. Despite how we have been programmed, true monogamy can only exist between you and your Twin Flame because you are one soul.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about the true meaning of monogamy and how to let go of all fear-based conditions, so you can truly love yourself and achieve a relationship with your Twin Flame.
• “Monogamy came about as a way to actually oppress and control. How do I know this? Because humans are not a naturally biologically monogamous species.” (03:22-03:32)
• “Love is not monogamy. Monogamy comes from fear.” (04:54-04:57)
• “Marriage is being the same and being one, and that's you and your Twin Flame.” (07:38-07:44)
• “Twin Flames are the only two people that monogamy can actually occur with, but it can't come from the mind. You can't intend it with your mind because that'd be pushing your fear-based energy onto your Twin Flame. And then where would your Twin Flame go? They would pull away.” (08:09-08:28)
• “You can't set the boundary of monogamy and then also be with your Twin Flame. It won't happen because setting that boundary is not loving yourself.” (09:44-09:53)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Nothing in the Physical World Means Anything
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Do you spend a lot of time obsessing over what your Twin Flame is doing, thinking or feeling? According to host Elle Hari, doing this is allowing your push-energy to get in the way of your success. In today’s episode Elle discusses why nothing in the physical world actually means anything.
Regardless of what it may feel like, whatever your Twin Flame is doing, thinking or feeling is completely irrelevant because it is all related to the physical world. Everything in the physical world is temporary and, therefore, not real. The only thing that is real/permanent is your soul. The only reason this journey feels so overwhelming at times is because you are giving credit to your own fear-based energy’s judgments about what is going on around you Rather than allowing your feelings of anxiety to dictate your life , Elle explains that it is important to just ride it out and go with the flow, knowing that nothing is “bad” or “wrong.” Those are judgments created in our minds based on our own limitations and beliefs. In truth, everything is neutral, and any pain we feel is always caused by resistance to (or judgment of) what is.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about why giving credit to anything of the physical world will slow down your journey and prohibit you from attaining a relationship with your Twin Flame.
• “When your push-pull energy becomes activated, what happens is that it becomes very sensitive to other energies around you, especially energies in the universe.” (04:27-04:45)
• “Not everyone resonates with every energetic event.” (06:43-06:45)
• “Feel your feelings, do not repress them, and do not believe your thoughts. Any thought that accompanies feelings regarding your Twin Flame, don't judge them.” (08:11-08:21)
• “Whatever your Twin Flame says, thinks, feels or does is irrelevant. The only meaning that it has is what you give it. And that includes anything that comes into your physical world.” (09:21-09:35)
• “When you judge your Twin Flame and what they're saying, thinking, doing or feeling as either good or bad, then it makes you feel good or bad. But most importantly, it's feeding your push energy.” (10:17-10:30)
• “When you put your focus on the physical form of Twin Flame, what are you doing? You're pushing your Twin Flame away.” (10:37-10:44)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15
Friday Dec 10, 2021
You and Your Twin Flame Are Never Separate
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Do you ever feel isolated from your Twin Flame? While you may not have a physical relationship with your Twin Flame, host Elle Hari explains that it is impossible to be completely detached. In today’s episode, Elle discusses the idea that you and your Twin Flame are never separate.
Even though at times you may be unable to touch or see your Twin Flame, Elle explains that your energetic field will always keep you connected. Rather than focusing on physical aspects, it is important to tap into your soul’s energy because it is the strongest force in the universe. When you connect with your soul, you allow yourself to vibrate on the same frequency as your Twin Flame. And for this reason, you can never truly be alone.
Tune into this week’s episode of Twin Flame Truth® to learn more about the universal law of oneness and how to detach yourself from physical desires, so you can transcend all dimensions and connect you to your Twin Flame.
• “Your soul transcends space, distance, time and even dimensions.” (05:07-05:13)
• “Anywhere you go, your Twin Flame is going to go. Anything you do, your Twin Flame is going to be there. Why? Because you're in the same exact energetic field.” (06:46-06:53)
• “You're always together because your energetic field transcends all dimensions. So, you're never ever separated.” (07:19-07:29)
• “Everything and everyone is one because we are under the one energetic vibration of love. But each of us has our own unique frequency of that vibration that we share with nothing and no one else in the entire cosmos, except for our Twin Flame.” (11:06-11:23)
To discover all of the ways we can assist you along your Twin Flame journey, please click here: https://linktr.ee/ellehari
Follow Alaya Life on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thealayalife/
Get your exclusive listener offer at Alaya Life ~ The Apothecary For Ascension™️ (will be applied at checkout): https://thealayalife.com/discount/elle15